Estate Agency - Zlin and Moravia estate agent
[ site in Czech with a good selection of Real Estate and property
in Zlin. ]
English and German spoken. 1° Zlinska
Realitni Kancelar
Kvitkova, 3687
760 01 Zlin
Czech Republic
00420 - 577 430 431
00420 - 577 433 922
00420 - 777 117 712
Fax: 00420 - 577 226 281
email: 1.realitni zlin.cz
Houses, appartments and flats for sale
in Zlin and surrounding area
Houses and flats for rent
We have an in-house legal department capable
of offering direct contractual and legal assistance concerning
real estate transactions - which is a very necessary factor for
all property transactions by international clients buying property
in the Czech Republic.
This means you will not have to turn elsewhere
for the legal assistance in verifying contracts, getting bulding
permissions and all the legal nitty gritty involved - and above
all - our legal advisors are on your side.
A designed house ready to live
in ?
Canaba family houses are ready architechted family houses
and prices start from Euro 48.000 - you chose the model and then
we do the rest and consign the house when it's ready for you to
move in.
No builder headaches, no architects to haggle with.
More on Canaba houses : http://www.reality-zlin.cz/canaba
Direct contact: daniel reality-zlin.cz
/ mobile: 00420 - 777 118 802.
Finding the right partners
is priceless
Not looking for the right partners may be pretty costly